The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) provide a sensitive applications process for trans people who do not wish to reveal former names. The DBS checks were formerly known as Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) Checks.
Information from Disclosure and Barring Service
If a Trans person is required to complete a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check, DBS offers a confidential checking process in accordance with the Gender Recognition Act 2004. This gives the Trans person the choice as to whether they are content or not for their previous gender to be disclosed on their DBS Certificate.
If an applicant decides they do not wish for their previous identity to be disclosed to their employer and/or on their DBS Certificate, they should call the dedicated team in Customer Services who are experienced in dealing with these types of sensitive cases. A member of this team will advise the applicant about the process and what they will need to do.
If the applicant does not feel comfortable dealing directly with a member of this dedicated Customer Service team, the applicant should contact the team and give details of a nominated person that the DBS can deal with on their behalf. Alternatively, the applicant can contact the team direct by email, post or telephone.
How the process works:
When the applicant calls the team, they are advised that “we do have a confidential checking process in place for applicants who do not wish for their previous name/gender to be disclosed on their DBS Certificate”. They are advised not to enter their previous name(s) in Section 4 where asked have you used any other names tick no part of the DBS application form and then complete the rest of the form as they normally would. Just before or at the same time the application is submitted, the applicant must send, direct to the team, a document that confirms the previous name(s) which they used e.g. Change of Name Deed, Original Birth Certificate. A Gender Recognition Certificate is not required for this process. The applicant should include a short, covering letter that confirms their current name, full address with postcode and a contact telephone number. We have found that some applicants may not have sufficient documentary evidence to support a DBS application. If this is the case, the applicant should contact the team as soon as possible to discuss.
Once this information is received, the application will be monitored everyday until the DBS Certificate is issued. If any queries are raised at any stage of the process, it will be dealt with sensitively by the team. If any further information is required, the applicant (or nominated person) will be contacted by a member of this team.
The applicant is always advised when they first call that “if you have a conviction in your previous name/gender, this may show on their DBS Certificate”. If an applicant does have a conviction which may reveal their previous name/gender, it would be useful for the applicant to advise us as soon as possible. An applicant may be able to avoid previous details being disclosed, so advising us sooner rather than later will help speed up the process.
How to contact the dedicated Customer Services team:
Sensitive Applications Team
Customer Services,
Disclosure and Barring Service
PO BOX 165,
L69 3JD
Phone:0151 676 1452 (Direct line)